Fence Doctors

Fence Doctors

Contractors in Alvin, TX


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Alvin , TX 77511 UNITED STATES

About Fence Doctors

Fencing, Fence Renovation, Fence Staining, Fence Worker,Affordable Fence Contractor,Local Fence Company


Fence Doctors 832-850-0604
Alvin , TX 77511 UNITED STATES
Fence Doctors 4.5

Based on 2 reviews

Fence Doctors 832-850-0604
Alvin , TX 77511 UNITED STATES
5 5

Interviewed a few companies to install either a horizontal or vertical wooden fence for our home. One fence company didn`t even want to meet and tried giving us a generic over-inflated quote over email. I won`t buy a fence over the internet. The install went as planned and Fence Doctors was very communicative, and while not the lowest quote we wanted a reputable company to handle the job. We are happy and can definitely recommend them.
posted at 08/04/16
Fence Doctors 832-850-0604
Alvin , TX 77511 UNITED STATES
4 5

Wished I could give more than 5 stars because the customer service, work ethic and all around professionalism makes me proud and honored to be in a business relationship with this company!Don`t miss out and pay for lousy service from anyone... pick up the phone and call them NOW! You will thank me later!!
posted at 07/27/16

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Fence Doctors
4.5 (2 reviews)
fence contractor,  fence painting,  fence restoration fence service
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