Moore Construction

Moore Construction

Contractors in San Jose, CA


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San Jose , CA 95136 UNITED STATES

About Moore Construction

Moore Construction in The San Francisco Bay Area
Look around your home...Do you have doors that stick? Sloping floors? Gaps between windows?

At Moore Construction, we are a full service house leveling company serving the people of Santa Clara and the surrounding area. We offer a full suite of services that will improve the structural integrity of your home, including house leveling, house bolting, concrete repair, foundation crack repair, concrete epoxy injection, and seismic retrofitting.

A History of Excellence in Santa Clara

Earthquake related damage is common here in Santa Clara, and that means seismic retrofitting services are high in demand. You have many choices when it comes to seismic retrofitting companies, so it is critically important that you weigh your options carefully. At Moore Construction, we have a long-standing history of providing homeowners in Santa Clara with superior service, delivered on time and within budget. Founded in 1990 and growing up with father in the house moving industry, we are highly experienced in our trade.

We are committed to providing you with:

Quality house leveling & foundation repair
Superior customer service
Realistic timelines for completion
Honest inspections
Accurate estimates
Foundation Repairs & Earthquake Retrofitting in Santa Clara

We know that having done work on your home can be stressful, especially when it comes to your foundation. When you team up with us, you can feel confident that you’ll have licensed and bonded retrofitting contractors on the job, from beginning to end. With more than 25 years of successful business under our belt, we care about maintaining a good rapport with the community. The satisfaction of our clients is our number one priority, and our work isn’t finished until you are pleased with our work. Get in touch with us today if you are interested in learning more about any of the services we provide. We look forward to serving you!



Moore Construction 408-849-9509
San Jose , CA 95136 UNITED STATES
Moore Construction

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