Argonaut Garage

Argonaut Garage

Auto Dealers in Berkeley, CA

Auto Dealers Auto Repair

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1485 San Pablo Ave,
Berkeley , CA 94702 UNITED STATES

About Argonaut Garage

Jason Simms loves a challenge and his passion is fixing cars. Gaining extensive experience in the automotive repair industry, Jason started out as an automotive parts-getter and then worked his way up through the service ranks. Most recently, Jason was a Technician for a premier multi-bay auto repair facility in San Francisco.
Jason’s certifications include:
•Multiple ASE certifications
•California Smog Technician license
•Multiple repair certificates ranging from tire service to hybrid car maintenance and repair
•Jason counts himself lucky to have fulfilled his ultimate dream of owning his own repair shop!
•In his off time Jason spends his time cycling, remodeling his house, and spending as much time as possible with his wife Jessie and two young sons Odin and Max.
To make an auto repair appointment, call Jason at (510) 525-4099


Argonaut Garage 510-423-3848
1485 San Pablo Ave,
Berkeley , CA 94702 UNITED STATES
Argonaut Garage

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