Armbrecht & Wierenga Orthodontics

Armbrecht & Wierenga Orthodontics

Dentists in Grand Rapids, MI


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2000 43rd Street SE, Suite A
Grand Rapids , MI 49508 UNITED STATES

About Armbrecht & Wierenga Orthodontics

Dr. Gary Armbrecht, Dr. David Armbrecht and Dr. Mark Wierenga of Armbrecht & Wierenga Orthodontics are Grand Rapids Orthodontists who specialize in braces, Invisalign, adult braces, cosmetic porcelain brackets, and many more techniques to help your smile make the right statement about you!


Armbrecht & Wierenga Orthodontics 616-455-4800
2000 43rd Street SE, Suite A
Grand Rapids , MI 49508 UNITED STATES
Armbrecht & Wierenga Orthodontics

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Armbrecht & Wierenga Orthodontics

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