Christine's Sparkling Car Wash

Christine's Sparkling Car Wash

Automotive in Kansas City, KS

Automotive Car Wash

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3020 N 59th St,,
Kansas City , KS 66104 UNITED STATES

About Christine's Sparkling Car Wash

This is the VERY best car wash in the middle of Kansas City, Kansas! We are rated number ONE on every survey that we make up. Statistically you are less likely to die at our car wash then in your own home, so come on down and live it up. Seriously, we offer super high pressure equipment that will clean even the dirtiest vehicles, floor mats, equipment, etc. Come see us today!


Christine's Sparkling Car Wash 913-384-9500
3020 N 59th St,,
Kansas City , KS 66104 UNITED STATES
Christine's Sparkling Car Wash

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Christine's Sparkling Car Wash
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Christine's Sparkling Car Wash

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