Me and My Shadow Painting

Me and My Shadow Painting

Contractors in Billings, MT


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1032 Lake Elmo Dr., #2
Billings , MT 59105 UNITED STATES

About Me and My Shadow Painting

Me and My Shadow Painting is located in Billings, MT. We are a residential painting company and have been servicing Billings and surrounding areas for over 10 years. Our services include interior and exterior painting, plastering, wood staining and so much more! Please give us a call for a free estimate and ask for Larry Jensen. We are available 24/7 by appointment only. We look forward to hearing from you.


Me and My Shadow Painting 406-698-1384
1032 Lake Elmo Dr., #2
Billings , MT 59105 UNITED STATES
Me and My Shadow Painting

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