PM Industries

PM Industries

Auto Repair in West Milford, NJ

Auto Repair

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939 Westbrook Road,
West Milford , NJ 07480 UNITED STATES

About PM Industries

Founded in 1988, PM Industries has provided the most powerful anti-corrosive systems to both the automotive and industrial marketplace. Based on the three coat polyurethane system, the MasterSeries Coating Line is one of the largest sellers in the antique automobile restoration hobby. Being avid car buffs, we have restored cars for over 40 years. Rust is our major concern and the MastercoatĀ® Permanent Rust Sealer is the most powerful anti-corrosive primer in the world. We emphasize education and technique rather than dealing with large amounts of people and simply selling them a product. Our products include everything from coatings and rust removers to paint removers and high heat applications. Satisfaction is always guaranteed!


PM Industries 800-833-8933
939 Westbrook Road,
West Milford , NJ 07480 UNITED STATES
PM Industries

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