John Tempesta Paperhanging

John Tempesta Paperhanging

Contractors in North Weymouth, MA


Contact us


25 Wachusett Rd,
North Weymouth , MA 02191 UNITED STATES

About John Tempesta Paperhanging

John Tempesta Paperhanging is custom wallpapering company, offering the highest quality to our residential and commercial customers. As a member of the National Guild of Professional Paperhangers, we are known to pay exquisite attention to detail and make customer satisfaction our number one priority. Please call today to schedule your appointment: (781) 888-2261! We are located in North Weymouth, MA.


John Tempesta Paperhanging 781-888-2261
25 Wachusett Rd,
North Weymouth , MA 02191 UNITED STATES
John Tempesta Paperhanging 5

Based on 1 reviews

John Tempesta Paperhanging 781-888-2261
25 Wachusett Rd,
North Weymouth , MA 02191 UNITED STATES
5 5

Nice and easy, friendly and very helpful. Cheers.
posted at 07/04/16

Detail information

Company name
John Tempesta Paperhanging
5.0 (1 reviews)
wall covering,  wallpaper,  home wallpaper decorative wall coverings
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John Tempesta Paperhanging

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