Logan Law Office, P.A.

Logan Law Office, P.A.

Lawyers and Law Firms in Miami, FL

Lawyers and Law Firms Law and Courts

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2911 Grand Avenue, Suite 3B
Miami , FL 33133 UNITED STATES

About Logan Law Office, P.A.

Logan Law Office, P.A. was founded to offer distinct advantages to investment management clients worldwide. Based in Miami, our business model centers on our flexible, low-overhead approach to legal services. Our clients benefit from Wall Street experience combined with the efficiency and personal attention of a small, tech savvy law firm.

Our expertise ranges from fund formation to ongoing operations and wind-down. We work with managers of hedge funds, offshore funds, private equity funds, and a range of related investment vehicles. Our practice philosophy is simple: we use our experience to offer comprehensive support based on each client's particular fund structure and investment strategy. We have extensive experience with many different asset classes and trading strategies, and we tailor our advice to suit your goals.

Contact Logan Law Office for more information.


Logan Law Office, P.A. 305-445-6063
2911 Grand Avenue, Suite 3B
Miami , FL 33133 UNITED STATES
Logan Law Office, P.A.

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