Tim & Son Tire Repair & Such

Tim & Son Tire Repair & Such

Auto Repair in Marianna, FL

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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1955 Church St.,
Marianna , FL 32448 UNITED STATES

About Tim & Son Tire Repair & Such

Turn to our ASE-certified technicians for reliable repairs that last! Whether you need tire repairs or major engine repairs, we guarantee that our locally-owned business can provide the expert services you need in a flash. Rely on our team who serves Marianna, FL, to provide fast service right when you need it! Don't get stranded on the road; we're available 24/7 to meet your needs! Keep your car running smoothly with new tires and routine auto maintenance from our professionals. Trust our team to give you the dependable service you deserve! Your car's tires are vital to your safety on the road. Make sure your tires are in top condition by visiting our certified auto shop. Let us check for wear on your tire treads and keep you from sliding off the road in hazardous conditions. You'll benefit from our wide selection of high-quality new tires from brands you know and trust. Don't put yourself and your passengers in danger with faulty tires. Find the premium tires you want and get expert tire repair and replacement services from our technicians. We also offer convenient 24-hour roadside service! For repairs you can count on, turn to our locally-owned business. We understand that you rely on your automobile daily for all your transportation needs. That's why we offer convenient 24-hour roadside assistance and do our best to provide you with prompt and professional services. Make sure your repairs are done right the first time with help from our trusted technicians. Visit us for regular oil and filter changes to keep your engine clean. We also offer tire repairs and have new tires for sale. Your vehicle will benefit from our computerized alignment services as well! Explore some of the vehicle maintenance services we offer below, and turn to our certified shop for the high-quality auto work you need.



Tim & Son Tire Repair & Such 850-272-3474
1955 Church St.,
Marianna , FL 32448 UNITED STATES
Tim & Son Tire Repair & Such

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Tim & Son Tire Repair & Such
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Tim & Son Tire Repair & Such

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