Henry Towing Service

Henry Towing Service

Auto Repair in Chesapeake, VA

Auto Repair Towing

Contact us


643 Osborn Ave,
Chesapeake , VA 23325 UNITED STATES

About Henry Towing Service

*Local Tows within Chesepeake; $55.00*
*From Chesapeake to Virginia Beach; Cash-$135.00, Credit Card- $125.00*
*Hook Fee- $65.00 intial, $3.00 per mile*

Henry towing Service is a light-medium duty towing company bringing our expertise and efficient service to each towing job.

Our services include 24 hour towing,impound service, jump start and battery charge, lock out service, long distance towing, motorcycle towing, roadside assistance, tire change and repair, winch and recovery service, junk car removal, automobile repossession, and auto salvage.

Call us today for a tow!


Henry Towing Service 757-204-1998
643 Osborn Ave,
Chesapeake , VA 23325 UNITED STATES
Henry Towing Service

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Henry Towing Service
Auto Repair
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Henry Towing Service

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