Barber & Fricke Automotive Inc

Barber & Fricke Automotive Inc

Auto Repair in Hoosick Falls, NY

Auto Repair Towing

Contact us


129 Church St,,
Hoosick Falls , NY 12090 UNITED STATES

About Barber & Fricke Automotive Inc

At Barber & Fricke Automotive Inc., our goal is to always provide great service and high-quality workmanship at a fair price. We’re committed to providing high-quality services at fair prices. Get your own personal car care page on our website! It will provide lots of information about your car, including recalls, service bulletins and recommended maintenance. Whenever you make an online appointment with us, the service history is added to your page for you to review any time (good service records are also very helpful when it comes time to sell your car). Call us today for more information!


Barber & Fricke Automotive Inc 518-686-7745
129 Church St,,
Hoosick Falls , NY 12090 UNITED STATES
Barber & Fricke Automotive Inc

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Barber & Fricke Automotive Inc
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Barber & Fricke Automotive Inc

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