Like New Restoration llc

Like New Restoration llc

Real Estate Services in Pensacola, FL

Real Estate Services Home Remodeling

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21 williams st,
Pensacola , FL 32506 UNITED STATES

About Like New Restoration llc

My co. works for real estate investors to help them make money. I remodel investment properties fast and cheap. I work with out of state investors who I have never met all the time. I help find good homes for a investor also with my Bird Dog service. I am connected very well in the real estate market in Pensacola and wholesale and flip houses. I will go look at any house for sale and video the estimated repairs needed and give an offer to buy it anytime. I manage the flips I contract to repair for no additional cost. I personally do the work and run my crew. I am very skilled and have lots of references from happy customers.


Like New Restoration llc 850-525-2550
21 williams st,
Pensacola , FL 32506 UNITED STATES
Like New Restoration llc

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Like New Restoration llc
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