

Keys & Locksmiths in San Diego, CA

Keys & Locksmiths

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4140 Alpha Street,
San Diego , CA 92113 UNITED STATES

About LockTechs

LockTechs are ready, willing, and able to handle any issue that is thrown their way. They have seen it all and done it all before. This experience comes is important when you are in an emergency situation and need a solution right away.
LockTechs will never leave you standing around for hours wondering when help will arrive. For more information on LockTechs automotive locksmith San Diego, call LockTechs any time, your 24/7 automotive locksmiths.
You will never hear a LockTechs professional tell you they need to return to base, and get what they need to do the job because they understand that “mobile” means bringing the locksmith shop to the customer. The same services are always available at either their physical location, or yours.


LockTechs 619-737-2266
4140 Alpha Street,
San Diego , CA 92113 UNITED STATES

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Keys & Locksmiths
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