Mercer and Company Construction

Mercer and Company Construction

Contractors in Brandon, MS

Contractors Roofing Home Remodeling

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131 Langford Cove,
Brandon , MS 39047 UNITED STATES

About Mercer and Company Construction

Whether you’re selling your Brandon residence or have found your forever office space, it’s in your best interest to keep your investment in good repair. Mercer and Company Construction is here to help you with needed maintenance to keep your structure in top condition.

Our team of contractors has worked to keep our community’s commercial buildings and homes looking great for more than a decade. From home and commercial renovations to exterior painting and repair work, Mercer and Company has the expertise and capability to get the job done right the first time.


Mercer and Company Construction 601-942-2002
131 Langford Cove,
Brandon , MS 39047 UNITED STATES
Mercer and Company Construction

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