Proxim pharmacy affiliated  - Léa Barrak

Proxim pharmacy affiliated - Léa Barrak

Pharmacies and Drugstores in Anjou, Qc

Pharmacies and Drugstores

Contact us


8666, avenue Chaumont,
Anjou , Qc H1K 1N5 CANADA

About Proxim pharmacy affiliated - Léa Barrak

Proxim is a major grouping of independent pharmacies steadfastly focused on professional practice. Proxim pharmacy affiliated - Léa Barrak in Anjou offers a wide range of flexible services adapted to the changing needs of the market in an effort to ensure that each can attain excellence in their respective community.


Proxim pharmacy affiliated - Léa Barrak 514-353-7892
8666, avenue Chaumont,
Anjou , Qc H1K 1N5 CANADA
Proxim pharmacy affiliated - Léa Barrak

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Proxim pharmacy affiliated - Léa Barrak
Pharmacies and Drugstores
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Proxim pharmacy affiliated - Léa Barrak

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