Crumbley Law Firm, PC

Crumbley Law Firm, PC

Lawyers and Law Firms in Alabama, Huntsville

Lawyers and Law Firms Law and Courts

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2304 Memorial Parkway SW Huntsville, AL 35801,
Alabama , Huntsville 35801 UNITED STATES

About Crumbley Law Firm, PC

The Huntsville, AL Law Firm with over 30 years of experience representing our clients in court. Don't fight a legal battle without the support you need to ensure the best outcome. Crumbley Law Firm specializes in criminal defense cases and DUI defense.


Crumbley Law Firm, PC 125-653-94464
2304 Memorial Parkway SW Huntsville, AL 35801,
Alabama , Huntsville 35801 UNITED STATES
Crumbley Law Firm, PC

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