Lambia Mitropoulos, NP

Lambia Mitropoulos, NP

Doctors in Watertown, MA


Contact us


63 Pleasant Street,
Watertown , MA 02472 UNITED STATES

About Lambia Mitropoulos, NP

Steward is now offering telehealth virtual visits for its patients from the comfort of their home. Your doctor’s office will contact you closer to your appointment time, or you may contact the office after booking an appointment to discuss options. Important Information for Coronavirus (COVID-19):
If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19 and develop a fever and symptoms, such as cough or difficulty breathing, please contact your doctor before visiting the health care facility.


Lambia Mitropoulos, NP 617-924-6484
63 Pleasant Street,
Watertown , MA 02472 UNITED STATES
Lambia Mitropoulos, NP

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Lambia Mitropoulos, NP

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