The Joe C. Savage Law Firm

The Joe C. Savage Law Firm

Lawyers and Law Firms in Lexington, KY

Lawyers and Law Firms Law and Courts

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271 W Short St, 300
Lexington , KY 40507 UNITED STATES

About The Joe C. Savage Law Firm

For over 45 years, our attorney, Joe Savage, has been representing clients across Kentucky in both state and federal courts for medical malpractice, personal injury, product liability and other civil matters. Joe takes pride in thoroughly investigating and works with medical professionals as well as economist across the country in order to build the best case. Our attorney has been consistently for years as Best Lawyers in America and in 2011 he was named the lawyer of the year in Kentucky for Medical Malpractice Law. He also teaches at the University of Kentucky where he was selected to be honored in the College Law Hall of Fame. Our law firm is located in Lexington, KY. Feel free to contact our office or send us a message to set up a consultation.


The Joe C. Savage Law Firm 859-259-0080
271 W Short St, 300
Lexington , KY 40507 UNITED STATES
The Joe C. Savage Law Firm

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