Brian Harris Audi

Brian Harris Audi

Auto Dealers in Baton Rouge, LA

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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12326 Airline Highway,
Baton Rouge , LA 70817 UNITED STATES

About Brian Harris Audi

Welcome to the Brian Harris Audi. Over the past 14 years, Brian Harris Audi has worked very hard to provide our customers in Baton Rouge and other surrounding areas the very best automotive ownership experience. We provide our customers with the: Best Product, Best Ownership Experience, Best Ownership Value! With those years comes invaluable expertise, which we put to your advantage. We're not just talking acumen on new Audi models, but used cars, service and auto repairs and perhaps most importantly - Audi financing.

We have a strong and committed sales staff with many years of experience satisfying our customers' needs. Feel free to browse our inventory online, request more information about vehicles, set up a test drive or inquire about financing. If you don't see what you are looking for, click on CarFinder, fill out the form, and we will let you know when vehicles arrive that match your search!

We hand pick each member of the Brian Harris Audi team for their high level of competency, vast knowledgebase, eagerness to learn late-breaking technology, ability to relate to drivers from all walks of life, and commitment to keeping Brian Harris Audi a pressure-free environment. The best way to see for yourself the distinct experience you'll have at Brian Harris Audi is to explore our new Audi models; used cars; service department; financing; certified car parts in person.


Brian Harris Audi 866-370-4156
12326 Airline Highway,
Baton Rouge , LA 70817 UNITED STATES
Brian Harris Audi

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