Kozak Enterprise

Kozak Enterprise

Auto Repair in Ogema, wi

Auto Repair Towing Taxis and Car Services

Contact us


N2984 HWY 13,
Ogema , wi 54459 UNITED STATES

About Kozak Enterprise

I will beat all legal and legitimate towing companies prices, I charge on average 1/2 of their per mile fee's.

Towing and Recovery, If vehicle is damaged it will be towed to a repair facility of your choice. If vehicle is safe and able to be driven, you will be returned to the road and be back in business. I accept credit/debit cards and cash.

I also have my own repair shop and my labor rate is $40.00 hour cash.

I also do roadside repair. I come to you and diagnose your vehicle and get the necessary parts and fix your car right where you are broke down at.


Kozak Enterprise 715-820-2124
N2984 HWY 13,
Ogema , wi 54459 UNITED STATES
Kozak Enterprise

Detail information

Company name
Kozak Enterprise
Auto Repair
Not Rated
24hour towing,  24 hour towing service,  auto repair ogema
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Kozak Enterprise

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