Marty's Diesel Garage, LLC

Marty's Diesel Garage, LLC

Auto Repair in Homer City, PA

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Auto Parts and Accessories

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2860 Old US Route 119 HWY S,
Homer City , PA 15748 UNITED STATES

About Marty's Diesel Garage, LLC

At Marty’s Diesel Garage servicing the Homer City, Blairsville, Indiana area in Pennsylvania we understand how tough it is to find a repair facility that you can trust your vehicle with. Marty’s Diesel Garage has been in business in the Homer City PA area since 2002. If you are looking for good quality service with no pricey up sale then come and see us. We are here for all your automotive needs. We service everything from small cars to small fleets, to heavy-duty diesel trucks. Our technicians do everything from oil changes to engine changes. We are a PA Inspection station and carry all the correct oils for the new automobiles. Stop in to schedule your tune-up or order your new tires today. Our Automotive Department can provide all your maintenance and mechanical needs on your personal vehicles as well as your fleet of small vehicles. Our Heavy-Duty Truck Department can provide your truck or fleet of trucks with timely cost-effective service and repairs.


Marty's Diesel Garage, LLC 724-479-8000
2860 Old US Route 119 HWY S,
Homer City , PA 15748 UNITED STATES
Marty's Diesel Garage, LLC

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Marty's Diesel Garage, LLC
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Marty's Diesel Garage, LLC

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