Baum Cleaning

Baum Cleaning

Rug and Carpet Cleaning in Kansas City, MO

Rug and Carpet Cleaning

Contact us


3705 Northeast 67th Street,
Kansas City , MO 64119 UNITED STATES

About Baum Cleaning

Our equipment uses heated water. This extra temperature is essential for the removal of stains and heavily soiled traffic areas. In addition to our heat, the vacuum power is nothing short of spectacular. This increased vacuum power ensures a very fast drying time and further ensures that no chemical residue is ever left behind causing carpets to re-soil. Our system cleans deeper, dry faster and prolong the duration between cleanings better than any other system in the area.

In some facilities, regulations are in place that prohibit the use of truck mounted equipment due to security reasons or hours of operation. In this situation we can use the encapsulation cleaning method or utilize several portable units when necessary. We can also implement scheduled cleaning and maintenance with these options.


Baum Cleaning 816-214-8850
3705 Northeast 67th Street,
Kansas City , MO 64119 UNITED STATES
Baum Cleaning

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Baum Cleaning
Rug and Carpet Cleaning
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Baum Cleaning

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