Caminez, Jon D PA

Caminez, Jon D PA

Lawyers and Law Firms in Monticello, FL

Lawyers and Law Firms

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1307 S Jefferson St,
Monticello , FL 32344 UNITED STATES

About Caminez, Jon D PA

"At Caminez & Yeary, we are dedicated to providing our clients a first-class legal representation with a hometown feel. With offices in Monticello and Tallahassee, we have served injury victims and their families throughout North Florida for over 40 years. Our attorneys will work closely with you to achieve your goals. We have the experience and resources necessary to fight the big insurance company and get you the compensation you deserve."


Caminez, Jon D PA 850-997-8181
1307 S Jefferson St,
Monticello , FL 32344 UNITED STATES
Caminez, Jon D PA

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Caminez, Jon D PA
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Caminez, Jon D PA

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