Souris River Automotive

Souris River Automotive

Auto Repair in Minot, ND

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Towing

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2001 24th Ave SE,
Minot , ND 58701 UNITED STATES

About Souris River Automotive

At Souris River Automotive, it is our guarantee to be the most affordable and honest shop in the Minot area. We have been the customer so we know what you are looking for in a auto repair shop; a fair price and a hassle-free experience. Our goal is to provide both of these things for you. We are ASE Certified and have a combined 15 years of experience so you can be confident in the quality of our work, from routine maintainance to minor and major repairs.
Stop by or Give us a call any time.


Souris River Automotive 701-340-5190
2001 24th Ave SE,
Minot , ND 58701 UNITED STATES
Souris River Automotive

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Souris River Automotive
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Souris River Automotive

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