Barnes Tax Service

Barnes Tax Service

Financial Services in Eaton Rapids, MI

Financial Services Accountants & Bookkeeping Business Consulting and Services

Contact us


9466 Kinneville Rd.,
Eaton Rapids , MI 48827 UNITED STATES

About Barnes Tax Service

Our financial services firm was established to provide tax efficient solutions for businesses and individuals. Our primary services include accounting, taxation, business consulting, and investment management. We also offer a host of services to catering to the unique needs of our clients. Our partners and staff accountants serve a wide range of individuals, corporations, partnerships, and non-profit organizations and are experienced in the accounting issues and tax laws that impact our clients. We offer the benefits of over 25 years of experience. We are an equal opportunity employer and are members in good standing of multiple professional organizations. The firm is dedicated to serving all of your accounting, tax, and financial services needs. Our continuing mission is to serve you by providing the highest level of professionalism possible.

Barnes Tax Service - Personal Financial Services
9466 Kinneville Road
Eaton Rapids, MI 48827
Phone: 517-795-0327
Alt. Phone: 517-663-4401
Email: regarding Taxes
Email: regarding Financial Planning, Insurance and Investing


Barnes Tax Service 517-663-4401
9466 Kinneville Rd.,
Eaton Rapids , MI 48827 UNITED STATES
Barnes Tax Service

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Barnes Tax Service
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Barnes Tax Service

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