Life Rebuilding LLC

Life Rebuilding LLC

Religious Organizations in New York, NY

Religious Organizations Counseling & Mental Health Community Service Organizations

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116 W 23rd St,,
New York , NY 10011 UNITED STATES

About Life Rebuilding LLC

Do you believe in the incredible healing potential of the human spirit? Or do you know it, deep down in your bones? For me, the healing power of transformation and therapy is something I can never take for granted; it is something I know inside and out; something that is as real to me as the rising of the sun in the morning.I have always considered myself a human being first, and therapist second. My story is only one among the many millions of human stories out there, each one unique and beautiful. And yet, since it is my own story, the one I know most intimately, it's the one I share with others here.


Life Rebuilding LLC 646-749-0566
116 W 23rd St,,
New York , NY 10011 UNITED STATES
Life Rebuilding LLC

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Life Rebuilding LLC
Religious Organizations
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Life Rebuilding LLC

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