New Campo Argentino Steakhouse

New Campo Argentino Steakhouse

Restaurants in Miami Beach, FL

Restaurants Steakhouses Italian Restaurants

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6954 Collins Ave,
Miami Beach , FL 33141 UNITED STATES

About New Campo Argentino Steakhouse

New Campo Argentino Steakhouse in Miami Beach, FL is proud to provide the best south american food experience the area has to offer. Our steakhouse provides fine dining as well as the best happy hour in town. Dishes we specialize in include homemade pizza, homemade pasta, steak, Italian food, and of course Argentinian cuisine! If you're in Miami Beach, FL and are hungry for the best Argentine food then be sure to visit New Campo Argentino Steakhouse Today!!


New Campo Argentino Steakhouse 305-864-3669
6954 Collins Ave,
Miami Beach , FL 33141 UNITED STATES
New Campo Argentino Steakhouse

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New Campo Argentino Steakhouse

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