Carmen Soto

Carmen Soto

Real Estate in Garden Ridge, TX

Real Estate Real Estate Agencies Real Estate Services

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8122 Whisper Oak,
Garden Ridge , TX 78266 UNITED STATES

About Carmen Soto

Hi, I’m Carmen Soto…I’m a Real Estate expert specializing in the San Antonio market as a Realtor, Associate Broker and Sales Manager. I have 20 years’ experience in commercial and residential Real Estate. I’m a San Antonio native that knows our community inside and out. I speak fluent Spanish and passionately serve local charities like CCAOSA, SACVF, and SA2020. Most of all, I love helping families find happiness and financial freedom in home ownership and educating savvy investors how to grow and protect their portfolio. I dedicate myself to continuous education. I have BA in Business Management from Texas State University and hold the following Real Estate designations: ABR, BPOR, CRS, GRI, SF R, SRS, VLB, CNE, CMHS, AHS, and Historic Home Specialist. I’m recognized as a Platinum Top 50 Realtor for 2013 and Platinum Top 50 Finalist 2014-2016.


Carmen Soto 210-530-8371
8122 Whisper Oak,
Garden Ridge , TX 78266 UNITED STATES
Carmen Soto

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