Viva Ford

Viva Ford

Auto Dealers in El Paso, TX

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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5550 N Desert Blvd,
El Paso , TX 79912 UNITED STATES

About Viva Ford

Welcome to Viva Ford of El Paso, TX!

It takes more than one happy customer to earn the trust of drivers throughout Texas and New Mexico. As a matter of fact, it takes more than one trip per happy customer to develop a partnership that knows no doubts. At Viva Ford, that is our primary goal. We are focused on earning your business again and again because you trust us.

You will not be disappointed. We offer a rich selection of vehicles in various categories. We have an inventory of brand new and used vehicles, as well as certified pre-owned units. Our models section will help you wade through hundreds of cars that suit your requirements.



Viva Ford 915-834-2800
5550 N Desert Blvd,
El Paso , TX 79912 UNITED STATES
Viva Ford

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