Auto Repair in Fayetteville, NC
Auto Repair • Auto Parts and Accessories
208 N Eastern Blvd,
Fayetteville ,
Huston Tire Co is your premier local tire center located in Fayetteville, NC. We offer a full range of tires and tire services for cars and trucks as well as fleet, farm and construction vehicles. Our full range of quality tire services includes:
•Wide selection of vehicle tires
•Tire repair and maintenance
•Tire balancing and rotation
•Wheel Alignments
•Oil changes
•Tune ups
Huston Tire Co. has the tires you need- from passenger to tractor trailer, from lawn mower to farm equipment, we can do it! We also work on construction equipment tires. Looking for mud or all-terrain tires? No problem! Call us today for a quote.
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