Construction & Repair in Lancaster, CA
Construction & Repair
Stratman Painting,
Lancaster ,
Skilled Painter in Lancaster, CA
When you need a Lancaster, CA, painter for any project, residential or commercial, think of Stratman Painting. We're available Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm, and on weekends, by appointment, so you can choose any time that fits your busy schedule. Our neat and professional performance guidelines mean you can rely on our attention to detail to give you the end result you seek. We specialize in:
Apartment Painting
Commercial Painting
Commercial Power Washing
Condo Painting
Decorative Painting
Drywall Repair
Exterior Painting
Garage Painting
General Painting
Interior Painting
Residential Painting
Residential Power Washing
Wall Painting
Wood Finishing
Why Choose Us?
From our reasonably priced service to our commitment to excellence, you'll always get our best. We believe in working hard and promptly completing all projects. We're locally owned and operated, so our staff is always nearby. We'll even handle other projects in your home or business, such as staining and power washing.
Among Lancaster, CA, painters, we at Stratman Painting strive to lead the way through a combination of friendly, polite service and a dedication to providing only high-quality products to our customers. Call us for a free estimate or to schedule an appointment today.
Outstanding Service
At Stratman Painting, our goal is to not just meet, but exceed your expectations. When you hire us for apartment painting, you'll benefit from our detailed, meticulous approach to all we do. We pride ourselves on our prompt, dependable service and competitive rates. And we'll be happy to recommend a paint color and finish to best suit your interior.
If you're in need of apartment painting services, ours is the team to trust. Call us today for more information or to request an estimate.
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