Golden Eagle Automotive

Golden Eagle Automotive

Auto Repair in Loomis, CA

Auto Repair

Contact us


3590 Taylor Rd,
Loomis , CA 95650 UNITED STATES

About Golden Eagle Automotive

While most shops try really hard to be big, we pride ourselves on keeping things small, and personal. We appreciate our loyal following of neighborhood friends and those either visiting or passing through our great town.

When you need help maintaining and repairing your vehicle, we are at your service.

Give us a call or swing by to say hello. We can set an appointment, allowing you to make the most of your precious time, or respond to an unexpected emergency. Either way, we are truly committed to our community and we look forward to welcoming you into our family of satisfied customers and friends.


Golden Eagle Automotive 916-652-1100
3590 Taylor Rd,
Loomis , CA 95650 UNITED STATES
Golden Eagle Automotive

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Golden Eagle Automotive
Auto Repair
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Golden Eagle Automotive

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