Luther Kia of Inver Grove

Luther Kia of Inver Grove

Auto Dealers in Inver Grove Heights, MN

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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1470 50th St E,
Inver Grove Heights , MN 55077 UNITED STATES

About Luther Kia of Inver Grove

At Luther Kia of Inver Grove, we are committed to getting you on the road in a car you'll love. From your first car to your last, we want to help you meet all of your car needs, down to the last oil change.

As our customer, you are our top priority. We look forward to providing you with an outstanding customer experience that takes the frustration out of buying and servicing a car.


Luther Kia of Inver Grove 651-457-5757
1470 50th St E,
Inver Grove Heights , MN 55077 UNITED STATES
Luther Kia of Inver Grove

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Luther Kia of Inver Grove
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Luther Kia of Inver Grove

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