Nu Flow Tech

Nu Flow Tech

Plumbers and Heating Technicians in San Diego, California

Plumbers and Heating Technicians

Contact us


7710 Kenamar Court,
San Diego , California 92121 UNITED STATES

About Nu Flow Tech

Nu Flow manufactures and installs innovative green technologies to rehabilitate the inner infrastructure of deteriorated or failing water piping systems using an array of cured-in-place epoxy pipe lining solutions.

Nu Flow continues to be the leader in the small-diameter market, while others have focused on selling technology to other companies as its only way of growing its footprint. Nu Flow has continued to be the choice for contractors while expanding its corporate locations across the United States, Canada, United Kingdom and abroad.


Nu Flow Tech 800-834-9597
7710 Kenamar Court,
San Diego , California 92121 UNITED STATES
Nu Flow Tech

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Nu Flow Tech
Plumbers and Heating Technicians
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pipe lining
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Nu Flow Tech

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