Auto Repair in Lafayette, LA
Auto Repair • Gas & Service Stations • Auto Parts and Accessories
416 Bertrand Dr,
Lafayette ,
Bertinot's has been providing automotive repair to the Lafayette area for many years. In 2012, Larry & Wendy Broussard became the proud new owners of Bertinot's Auto Service. They have a combined 30 years of experience in the automotive repair industry. Larry has been an automotive technician for 13 years, having graduated from Nashville Auto Diesel College with a degree in gas and diesel mechanics. Larry started off working at a couple of independent repair shops, then moved to a local Ford and Lincoln dealership. After 7 years of working and training with Ford Motor Company he acheived the certification of Ford Senior Master Technician. He is one of 153 people in the southeast region to hold this honor. Wendy worked at a Ford and Lincoln dealership for 18 years. Throughout her career customer service has been her primary focus, holding positions such as service advisor, warranty administrator and service manager. We plan to continue the same great service that Bertinot's has provided for many years and we hope to make it even better. Randy Smith and Dustin Smith have been working for Bertinot's for many years and we will be working alongside them to service and keep your vehicles in tip top shape. Our #1 goal is keeping our customers happy by accurately diagnosing and repairing vehicles in a timely manner. We understand that the automotive industry is always changing and vehicle manufacturers are always adding features to increase performance and safety. That's why we will be devoted to keeping up with the lastest training and certifications and we will be using the latest diagnostic equipment.
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