DRB Truck Service LLC

DRB Truck Service LLC

Auto Repair in Sullivan, MO

Auto Repair

Contact us


1998 South Service Road East,
Sullivan , MO 63080 UNITED STATES

About DRB Truck Service LLC

We here at DRB Truck Service LLC are an ideal and premier choice of trailer truck repair service in the area of Sullivan in the state of Missouri that you can always rely on to provide great service at great prices. When you have need of a high quality of mobile truck repair company in the state of Missouri, you certainly can’t go wrong with choosing DRB Truck Service LLC as your go-to place for truck and trailer repair. Our company has the most extensive levels of both skill and expertise when it comes to the fields and services of farm equipment repair, welding repair, complete trailer truck repair, semi truck refrigeration repair, and much more. You can’t go wrong with choosing DRB Truck Service LLC to take care of your trailer truck repair needs - so make sure that you call us up today!

At DRB Truck Service LLC, we are proud as well as excited to be able to bring our services to those in the state of Missouri who want and need them, on a true twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week basis. No matter what time of the night or day, or where in Missouri that you might find yourself in need of professional and experienced 24 hour roadside assistance services, we at DRB Truck Service LLC will certainly be able to assist you. Here at DRB Truck Service LLC we are able to help a wide area of Missouri including the cities of Sullivan, Saint Clair, Washington, Cuba, Fort Leonard, St James, and much more. If you happen to be located in such areas as that of Rolla, Owensville, St Louis, or Potosi, and you need help from a roadside assistance service that you can truly rely on, make sure to call us up here at Missouri today!


DRB Truck Service LLC 573-468-7467
1998 South Service Road East,
Sullivan , MO 63080 UNITED STATES
DRB Truck Service LLC

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DRB Truck Service LLC
Auto Repair
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DRB Truck Service LLC

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