Weaver Injury Law Firm

Weaver Injury Law Firm

Lawyers and Law Firms in Cedar Hill, TX

Lawyers and Law Firms

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610 Uptown Blvd, #250
Cedar Hill , TX 75104 UNITED STATES

About Weaver Injury Law Firm

The Weaver Injury Law Firm takes the specific approach of helping victims of serious personal injury, such as injuries from accidents involving 18-wheelers, truck accidents, car accident injuries, commercial vehicle accidents and other auto accidents. The team here at Weaver Injury Law is compassionate, capable, and hard working and our goal is to help you and treat you like family.

The types of serious injury cases we take include:
- Car Accident Injuries
- Truck Accident Injury Cases
- 18-wheeler Accident Injuries
- Other Auto Accident Cases
- Commercial Vehicle Cases
- Wrongful Death Cases


Weaver Injury Law Firm 469-336-3000
610 Uptown Blvd, #250
Cedar Hill , TX 75104 UNITED STATES
Weaver Injury Law Firm

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