Bulldog Brewery LA LLC

Bulldog Brewery LA LLC

Hobby & Model Shops in Los Angeles, CA

Hobby & Model Shops Appliances

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1901 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1020
Los Angeles , CA 90067 UNITED STATES

About Bulldog Brewery LA LLC

Founded by Rick Ayres and Jeffrey Hersh, Bulldog Brewery LA, LLC is the creator of the unique CoffeeDog® brand - a home-brewing coffee liqueur craft spirits experience that goes beyond ordinary celebration.

Wouldn't it be so much fun if you could brew your very own specialty coffee and vanilla craft liqueur for your family, friends, and co-workers right at home? We have felt the same way for many years. Our long search led to the birth of this amazing CoffeeDog® Craft Spirits Kit from Los Angeles, California. Now, you can be the superstar of this rare home brew, too! The secret to the resulting CoffeeDog® coffee liqueur’s deep flavor, rich aroma, and silky smooth body is our proprietary blend of exclusive organic coffee and fresh vanilla beans. Better yet, the CoffeeDog® coffee liqueur is vegan!

Not only is the experience of brewing your own CoffeeDog® coffee spirits unique and engaging for everyone involved, the love you put into it will be shared among your friends and loved ones. This is a gift of love.


Bulldog Brewery LA LLC 323-380-8841
1901 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1020
Los Angeles , CA 90067 UNITED STATES
Bulldog Brewery LA LLC

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Bulldog Brewery LA LLC
Hobby & Model Shops
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Bulldog Brewery LA LLC

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