Advanced Transmissions

Advanced Transmissions

Auto Repair in Phoenix, AZ

Auto Repair

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2849 E Bell Rd,
Phoenix , AZ 85032 UNITED STATES

About Advanced Transmissions

Advanced Transmissions is a Phoenix, AZ Auto Repair company that prides itself on superior customer service. We are experienced, affordable, and have a wide array of specializations. We will beat anyone's price!


Advanced Transmissions 602-346-9969
2849 E Bell Rd,
Phoenix , AZ 85032 UNITED STATES
Advanced Transmissions 5

Based on 1 reviews

Advanced Transmissions 602-346-9969
2849 E Bell Rd,
Phoenix , AZ 85032 UNITED STATES
5 5

Very pleased!! A responsible garage!!

I had something done here, can't remember what, but they had saved me 100 bucks. And they were super nice and they did a great job. I then had my clutch replaced here and was just as pleased as before!! They do great work. Also,...
posted at 05/27/10

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Advanced Transmissions
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
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