Abilities Diva

Abilities Diva

Health and Medical in Plano, TX

Health and Medical Specialty Schools

Contact us


2901 ridgeview Dr,
Plano , TX 75025 UNITED STATES

About Abilities Diva

Specializing in children with a variety of disABILITIES. We use positive, effective, and realistic interventions and strategies to assist with learning a variety of skills.

We offer the following programs:
* Homeschool Services
* Individualized & Group Tutoring
* Early Response to Intervention (ERI)
* Summer Camp Resource & School Readiness
* Advocacy & Special Education Services

Phonics, Reading, Math, Writing, Social Skills, & More!

Specialties: Teaching children with various learning styles and abilities. Networking with other professionals, and helping families and children understand and discover how they can empower themselves.


Abilities Diva 214-566-5602
2901 ridgeview Dr,
Plano , TX 75025 UNITED STATES
Abilities Diva

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Abilities Diva
Health and Medical
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Abilities Diva

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