John S Dozier  DMD MSD PA

John S Dozier DMD MSD PA

Dentists in Tallahassee, FL


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2160 Capital Circle NE Suite 100,
Tallahassee , FL 32308 UNITED STATES

About John S Dozier DMD MSD PA

Dr. Dozier and Dr. Barnett first met in 1989 when they were undergoing the rigorous certification process which leads to attaining Diplomate status. A Diplomate is a periodontist who has made significant achievements beyond the mandatory educational requirements of the specialty and who is certified by the American Board of Periodontology. Drs. Dozier and Barnett's practice is located in Tallahassee, Florida, which is a beautiful community and a wonderful place to live. Many of our patients reside in Tallahassee but we also have patients throughout North Florida and South Georgia. Drs. Dozier and Barnett are Board Certified Specialists in the field of Periodontics, and are also highly trained in the field of Dental Implants. Most of our patients are referred to us by their general dentists or other specialists but also referrals are made by their friends, family and co-workers. Self-referrals are also accepted.


John S Dozier DMD MSD PA 850-878-0414
2160 Capital Circle NE Suite 100,
Tallahassee , FL 32308 UNITED STATES
John S Dozier DMD MSD PA

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John S Dozier DMD MSD PA

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