Garland Nissan

Garland Nissan

Auto Dealers in Hopkinsville, KY

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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2507 Fort Campbell Blvd,
Hopkinsville , KY 42240 UNITED STATES

About Garland Nissan

O.B. Garland Guarantee!! 100% Satisfaction Every Purchase - Every Time - Guaranteed by O.B. Garland, Owner. If you have a problem or issue with your service, product, pricing, I'm a phone call away and want you to know that I personally stand behind EVERY purchase. We don't always get it right, but we fix it and make happy customers that come back. Here at Garland's it is more than giving you a great price on what you buy, it's being here when you have a question and providing you with service when you need it plus answers when you have questions.


Garland Nissan 888-868-3690
2507 Fort Campbell Blvd,
Hopkinsville , KY 42240 UNITED STATES
Garland Nissan

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