Mortgages and Mortgage Brokers in St George, UT
Mortgages and Mortgage Brokers
321 N Mall Dr Building X Suite102,
St George ,
American Management Systems Inc. ( AMS ) is a debt collection agency with our corporate office based out of St George Utah. As a fast growing agency our debt collection services are geared to get money collected quickly with a professional approach. We collect on a national level, and our competitive collection fees are set up strictly on a contingency basis. We demand the highest standard of professionalism from all of our account executives with each and every account we handle for your company. We are members of a nationwide network of collection attorneys to assist us in collections, which means results for your business. We are a full Service Debt Collection Agency. We have No Up front fees or sign up charges for our Collection Services. We only earn our commission if we are able to collect money on the account/s you place for collection.
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