Movers & Moving Companies in Oceanside, NY
Movers & Moving Companies • Music Stores
175 Elaine Dr,
Oceanside ,
Itingen & Sons is located in Oceanside, NY servicing Nassau county, Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Suffolk county in business since 1989. We are a Father and Son Piano Tuning Company, with 20 years experience as a Steinway technician. Services Provided but not limited to are:
Piano Tuning Technician 11572
Regulation 11572
Rebuild 11572
Refinishing 11572
Humidity Control Damper 11572
Chaser Damper Repair 11572
Moving 11572
Cleaning 11572
Selling 11572
Buying 11572
Estimates 11572
Don't hesitate to give us a call at 516-225-4406 and ask for Phillip Itingen, we look forward to hearing from you. Don't forget to ask for your FREE Estimate.
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