Wellness Center of Waltham

Wellness Center of Waltham

Weight Loss & Control Programs in Waltham, MA

Weight Loss & Control Programs Chiropractors Alternative and Non-traditional Medicine

Contact us


88 Maple St Ste A,
Waltham , MA 02453 UNITED STATES

About Wellness Center of Waltham

We help people of all walks of life and at all ages – from newborns to seniors.
Parents come to us with their children where doctors proposed radical surgery or didn’t know what else to do. Those children can experience dramatic changes in their health and well-being through our thorough “whole person” program.
Our wellness center sees people who can’t seem to recover from an accident or injury. We uncover the cause of ailment or pain and then start a personalized program to firstly reduce pain and then let healing begin.
Many individuals have numerous health conditions such as frequent headaches, fatigue, indigestion, reoccurring infections, neck pain, back pain and more where the cause of the symptoms is hard to find. Through a thorough initial assessment and treatment options that are targeted to eliminate the causes we can see immediate and also long-lasting improvement in the health and well-being of those patients.


Wellness Center of Waltham 781-891-8388
88 Maple St Ste A,
Waltham , MA 02453 UNITED STATES
Wellness Center of Waltham

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Wellness Center of Waltham
Weight Loss & Control Programs
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Wellness Center of Waltham

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