Hall's Automotive Inc.

Hall's Automotive Inc.

Auto Repair in Lancaster, CA

Auto Repair

Contact us


3062 1/2 East Ave H-6,
Lancaster , CA 93535 UNITED STATES

About Hall's Automotive Inc.

Established in 1976, Hall's Automotive Inc. is a family owned and operated auto repair shop. Our main goal is to provide our Customers with quality work and service.
To achieve this goal, Hall's Automotive Inc.:
Is a certified Star Station
Participates in the California Consumer Assistance Program
Uses the latest equipment for troubleshooting and servicing your vehicle
Works with the Automotive Training Institute to constantly improve services
On behalf of the entire staff of Hall's Automotive Inc., we would like to thank you for considering us for your auto repair need. We hope that we are able to earn your business in the future. For those of you that have been with is over the years, we would like to thank you for your loyalty to our business.

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Hall's Automotive Inc. 661-946-2969
3062 1/2 East Ave H-6,
Lancaster , CA 93535 UNITED STATES
Hall's Automotive Inc.

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Hall's Automotive Inc.
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Hall's Automotive Inc.

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