Michael C. Goldman, DDS

Michael C. Goldman, DDS

Dentists in Chevy Chase, MD


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3815 EW Hwy,
Chevy Chase , MD 20815 UNITED STATES

About Michael C. Goldman, DDS

In my practice we use a combination of traditional dentistry and alternative approaches where we can. In some cases our belief in alternative ideas leads us to limit or modify traditional technique. Some major examples are that we do not use mercury ("silver" amalgam fillings are 50% or more mercury), and that while I do root canal treatment, I have modified the way I do it because I think some important and very possibly legitimate issues have been raised about traditional root canal treatment.

My own training includes some basic understanding and capability in Homeopathy and Cranial Osteopathy (Cranio-Sacral ), and Reiki. Two of my staff have also been trained as Reiki practitioners. And I constantly learn from my patients, a large portion of whom are involved in providing or receiving a wide range of alternative healthcare services in the Washington, DC, Maryland, Virginia area and beyond.


Michael C. Goldman, DDS 301-656-6171
3815 EW Hwy,
Chevy Chase , MD 20815 UNITED STATES
Michael C. Goldman, DDS

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