Sakelaris Ford Lincoln of Camdenton

Sakelaris Ford Lincoln of Camdenton

Auto Dealers in Camdenton, MO

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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268 N. Business Route 5,
Camdenton , MO 65020 UNITED STATES

About Sakelaris Ford Lincoln of Camdenton

Welcome to Sakelaris Ford of Camdenton! Located in Camdenton, MO, Sakelaris Ford of Camdenton is proud to be one of the premier dealerships in the area. From the moment you walk into our showroom, you'll know our commitment to Customer Service is second to none. We strive to make your experience with Sakelaris Ford of Camdenton a good one – for the life of your vehicle. Whether you need to Purchase, Finance, or Service a New or Pre-Owned Ford, you’ve come to the right place.


Sakelaris Ford Lincoln of Camdenton 573-346-5551
268 N. Business Route 5,
Camdenton , MO 65020 UNITED STATES
Sakelaris Ford Lincoln of Camdenton

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Sakelaris Ford Lincoln of Camdenton

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