The Wigand Law Firm

The Wigand Law Firm

Lawyers and Law Firms in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Lawyers and Law Firms

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2924 Davie Road, Suite 201
Fort Lauderdale , Florida 33314 UNITED STATES

About The Wigand Law Firm

If you are here it is because you are tired of the typical attorney and want someone who will answer your legal questions straightforward and honestly. You will not get lost in the crowd of a large mill law firm where the attorney does not even know who you are let alone your case. I am an experienced trial attorney who prides myself on giving my clients the personal attention they deserve and telling my clients the truth about their cases.



The Wigand Law Firm 954-639-4561
2924 Davie Road, Suite 201
Fort Lauderdale , Florida 33314 UNITED STATES
The Wigand Law Firm

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The Wigand Law Firm
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The Wigand Law Firm

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